Well I warned you that I may not be good at updating this blog, but things have been extra crazy lately. We are trying to sell our condo so I've been cleaning/organizing/packing every spare moment which are few and far between when raising children, so blogging is not on my short list these days.
if any of your friends or family is looking for a cute starter home we are having an open house tomorrow from 12-4 come on by!!!
Anyway I will get to the good stuff, my kids. Hincklee has been hilarious while helping my get the house done. She is climbing in shelves and cupboards and I have even managed to get a few of these acts on camera so I will post them later. She is saying new words, and has new expressions everyday. She is ALWAYS singing. We just learned ring-around-the-rosie so that is her favorite for the moment. (OK she doesn't say all the words, but she sings the whole thing in her sweet little voice) Her dad taught her to fake sneeze so that provides hous of entertainment for her and her brother. She can always make him smile.
Bruin got his final casts off on Tuesday (8th), and Hincklee and Grammy came with us to check everything out. She did great til they sawed off the cast and then she became very worried about him so grammy took her to play. Because Shriner's is a childrens hospital they have lots to entertain the siblings as well so Grammy Yvonne chased her around the indoor playground and basketball court. There is even a life size Sully from Monsters Inc. It's a neat place we are so lucky to have been accepted for Bruin's treatments there.
Anyone who saw me Sunday or Monday knew how excited I was for these casts to be off. I thought we were on the downhill with all off this and that he would be so excited to have his legs free. Well, it was a little different then I had thought. Bruin had a really rough day on Tuesday. He screamed most of the day. So if any of you called me Tuesday you heard my crying right along with him. It just broke my heart to see him in pain. He never seemed in pain during the casting phase. There were days where he was definitely uncomfortable, but not like this. He was just wailing. I think he deserved a good cry though, and because he had never seemed hurt I hadn't cried yet either so I think we both hit a breaking point. Any parent can't stand to see their children in pain, and he looked so confused, so it hurt to know he didn't know what was happening and why his feet hurt. I just wanted to take it from him.
The reasons for his pain and frustrations were mostly due to the fact that his skin was super tender and sensitive. I've never worn a cast, but they say it itches/tickles/hurts for awhile after having it removed. And because babies skin is so soft and tender anyway it hurts that much more. Plus, they instructed me to massage and exercise his legs 4 times a day, and the alcohol in the lotion burns his tender skin. Plus, moms a tard and scheduled his 2-month check up the same day (because I'd had Dad and Grammy's help) which included his first immunizations. Plus he had the stomach flu for the last few days.
Plus, during one of my crying fits on Tuesday I realized I had his new braces on the wrong feet. I changed them and quickly called Aaron to nominate myself for the bad mother of the year award, and explained how I just gave his son club foot again, but that he didn't need to call CPS I'd take care of that. So moms a tard again. I guess we both need to adjust to these braces.
It sound confusing as to how I can puts his shoes on wrong, but they are connect by a removable bar. When the bar is off they are identical. So I placed the buckles on the outside, but they go in. When I post pictures of this it will make more sense.
Anyway, that was Tuesday. He is much better now. He still cries every now and then, but Wednesday he slept most the day away, and yesterday we didn't cry during massage, he even seemed to enjoy it. When we went to visit Nana Kay he was his smiley joyful self.
The braces are less Forrest Gump-ish then I was expecting, more Tony Hawk-esqe because the bar positioning looks like a little skate/snow board. I thought I'd take a vote should he be Forrest or Tony for Halloween?
Well this post is huge, but its my journal too so I need to write a lot for me to remember later. We love you all! Pictures are coming!